
Recharge users can easily send AI-generated personalized videos using Maverick. Perfect for welcoming subscribers, post-purchase thank yous, abandoned cart recoveries, and more.

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How does it work?

Sending your videos using Recharge and Zapier is simple once Maverick has processed them. Follow these easy steps:

Select a trigger from Recharge on Zapier

Navigate to Zapier and find the Recharge app integration. Select your Recharge trigger. A trigger is an event that starts your Zap and runs the workflow. For example, with ReCharge, a trigger could be "New Reactivated Subscription."

Set up a Maverick action for the Zap

In Zapier's workflow editor, find the Maverick action as the next step in your workflow / zap. This triggers Maverick to process and send the personalized video to the correct customer on your behalf, using the customer's name and email from Recharge.

Test and turn on the workflow

Once you've added the needed email and first name parameters to send to Maverick, test the workflow to make sure everything's properly setup. Then turn on the Zap and notify the Maverick team to start your campaign!

Grow Your Recurring Revenue with Maverick and Recharge Subscriptions

Recharge is the go-to platform for subscription-based ecommerce, helping brands build a loyal customer base and predictable revenue streams. But what if you could add a touch of magic to those recurring orders? That's where Maverick comes in.

Our AI-generated personalized videos seamlessly integrate with Recharge, allowing you to deliver engaging, one-to-one video messages that supercharge your subscription strategy.

Beyond the "Order Confirmation" Email

Think beyond the standard transactional emails. With Maverick, you can welcome new subscribers with a personalized video that not only confirms their order but also introduces them to your brand story and values. This creates a sense of connection and excitement, setting the stage for a long-lasting relationship.

Reduce Churn with Personalized Engagement

Customer churn is a challenge for any subscription business. Maverick helps you combat this by keeping subscribers engaged and excited about their upcoming deliveries. Imagine sending a personalized video a few days before their next order, showcasing the products they'll receive and offering a sneak peek at new additions to your line. This proactive approach reminds customers of the value of their subscription and reduces the likelihood of cancellations.

Recover Lost Subscriptions with a Human Touch

Even the best subscription businesses experience some churn. But with Maverick, you can re-engage lapsed subscribers with personalized videos that feel like a genuine conversation. Address them by name, acknowledge their past purchases, and offer a special incentive to reactivate their subscription. This human touch can be far more effective than a generic "we miss you" email.

Seamless Integration: No Code, No Problem!

Worried about complex integrations? Fear not! Maverick plays well with Recharge, whether you're on Shopify or another ecommerce platform. Our no-code setup means you'll be creating and sending personalized videos in minutes, not days. With Maverick and your Recharge subscription, Shopify is much easier to navigate!

Recharge & Shopify: A Match Made in Subscription Heaven

If you're a Shopify merchant looking to dive into the world of subscriptions, look no further than the Recharge Shopify app. This powerful tool seamlessly integrates with your Shopify store, making it a breeze to set up and manage recurring orders, whether you're selling beauty boxes, coffee beans, or anything in between.

With the Recharge app, Shopify subscriptiyou can create flexible subscription plans, offer discounts and incentives, and even automate customer communications, all from within your familiar Shopify dashboard. With Recharge Subscriptions, Shopify becomes easier to navigate with a subscription program that's as unique as your brand.

The Bottom Line

Recharge Subscriptions helps you build a predictable revenue stream, but Maverick takes it a step further. By adding personalized videos to your subscription journey, you create a more engaging and memorable experience for your customers. This leads to increased loyalty, reduced churn, and ultimately, a boost in customer lifetime value.

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