
Gorgias users can easily send AI-generated personalized videos using Maverick. Perfect for following up with customers who submit support tickets, payment issue recoveries, etc.

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How does it work?

Sending your videos using Gorgias and Zapier is simple once Maverick has processed them. Follow these easy steps:

Select a trigger from Gorgias on Zapier

Navigate to Zapier and find the Gorgias app integration. Select your Gorgias trigger. A trigger is an event that starts your Zap and runs the workflow. For example, with Gorgias, a trigger could be "Create Ticket"

Set up a Maverick action for the Zap

In Zapier's workflow editor, find the Maverick action as the next step in your workflow / zap. This triggers Maverick to process and send the personalized video to the correct customer on your behalf, using the customer's name and email from Gorgias.

Test and turn on the workflow

Once you've added the needed email and first name parameters to send to Maverick, test the workflow to make sure everything's properly setup. Then turn on the Zap and notify the Maverick team to start sending your personalized videos!

Turn Customer Service into Delight with Gorgias and Maverick

Gorgias is a lifesaver for ecommerce brands, streamlining customer service and making those support tickets a breeze to manage. But let's face it, even the fastest response can feel a bit impersonal in a world craving connection. That's where Maverick steps in.

Our AI-generated personalized videos seamlessly integrate with Gorgias customer service, allowing you to deliver engaging, one-to-one video messages that turn customer service into a delightful experience.

Beyond the Ticket: Build Relationships, Not Just Resolve Issues

Think beyond the standard text-based replies. With Maverick, you can follow up on support tickets with a personalized video that not only addresses the customer's issue but also shows a friendly face and a genuine desire to help. This human touch can turn a potentially frustrating experience into a positive one, fostering loyalty and turning customers into brand advocates.

Turn Payment Issues into Opportunities

Payment issues can be a major source of friction in ecommerce. Instead of sending a cold, impersonal email about a failed payment, use Maverick to create a personalized video that gently reminds the customer of the issue and offers assistance in resolving it. This approach not only increases the likelihood of recovering the sale but also shows your customers that you care about their experience.

Proactive Support with a Personal Touch

Gorgias AI capabilities can help you identify potential issues before they escalate. Imagine sending a personalized video to a customer who's been browsing a product page for an extended period, offering assistance or answering any questions they might have. This proactive approach can prevent cart abandonment and turn hesitant shoppers into happy customers.

Seamless Integration: No Engineering Required

Worried about complex integrations? Fear not! Maverick plays well with Gorgias, whether you're on Shopify or another ecommerce platform. Our no-code setup means you'll be creating and sending personalized videos in minutes, not days.

Gorgias Shopify users can leverage powerful Gorgias automation to streamline workflows and enhance customer service. By utilizing Gorgias integrations with platforms like Maverick, you can further elevate your support with personalized video replies, creating a truly memorable and impactful experience for your customers.

The Bottom Line

Gorgias CRM helps you streamline customer service, but Maverick takes it a step further. By adding personalized videos to your support interactions, you create a more engaging and memorable experience for your customers. This leads to increased satisfaction, stronger brand loyalty, and ultimately, a boost in sales.

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