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Maverick Case Study: Crystal Ninja’s 80X ROI from Personalized Videos


Seventeen years ago, Kellie Defries started gluing crystals onto anything anyone wanted from her studio apartment. Her hobby quickly turned into a highly successful business named CrystalNinja.Kellie and her award winning team take on projects all over the world placing stones on just about any surface imaginable. Her crowning achievement is one she sold for $110,000, a fully crystalized 1956 Porsche 356 replica. It took her and her team 247,148 crystals and 462 hours over the course of 6 weeks. Kellie has amassed a large following with her charisma and creativity. Just a look at her Tik Tok with 72K followers will give you an idea why her customers and fans love her so much. She uses video to not only showcase her beautiful crystals, but also to interact with her customers in a very personal way.





Cart recovery rate


Clickthrough rate


Reply rate

"I love the comments customers are leaving behind. They're really connecting with us on another level."

Kellie Defries, Founder


Like many other creative businesses, Crystal Ninjalooks for unique ways to engage and interact with customers that are not just transactional. KellieDeFries is the face of the brand, and her compelling story drives customers to her. WithTikTok videos, she’s found a great ally to engage her base effectively. However, the more customers and followers she has, the harder it is to find the time and resources to connect with them personally, especially through video.


Kellie and her team at Crystal Ninja saw in Maverick an opportunity to build closer and more personal relationships with customers through personalized video messages sent at scale. She recorded two videos for two key customer touchpoints abandoned cart and post-purchase. Soon after, she was automatically sending her customers unique versions of the videos where she calls each one of them by name.

Customer Feedback

"How do I not complete the purchase now? What a great touch with the personal video! Thank you!"

"WOW! this is cool and thank you for this message! I’m still building my courage to post on social media but when Ido I will definitely tag you all!"


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