Best Klaviyo Marketing Agencies for Apparel and Fashion Brands

Email marketing is essential for fashion brands, but standing out requires personalization. Discover how Klaviyo and personalized video (Maverick) can help you capture attention and drive conversions. Find expert agencies to elevate your campaigns.

Let's be honest, your customers' inboxes are overflowing with more "exclusive offers" and "limited-time sales" than a fashion week after-party. Standing out in this sea of email noise is no easy feat, especially for fashion and apparel brands. You're not just competing for attention; you're fighting for the hearts (and wallets) of style-savvy consumers who crave personalized experiences and crave unique content.

Generic email blasts won't cut it anymore. In the fashion world, you need to be as chic, as tailored, and as captivating as the latest runway trends. That's where Klaviyo swoops in like your personal stylist, offering the tools and insights to craft email marketing campaigns that are as unique as your brand's aesthetic.

But let's take it a step further, shall we? Imagine adding a dash of personality and a sprinkle of video magic to those Klaviyo campaigns. That's where Maverick comes in, your backstage pass to creating personalized video experiences that make your emails impossible to ignore. Think of it as your virtual runway show, showcasing your brand's unique personality and making every customer feel like a front-row VIP.

Ready to transform your email marketing from drab to fab? Let's dive into the world of Klaviyo marketing agencies and discover how they, along with the power of personalized video, can elevate your fashion brand's ecommerce game.

1. The Email Marketers

The Email Marketers have established themselves as a leading Klaviyo marketing agency with a proven track record in the ecommerce space. They offer a comprehensive suite of email marketing services tailored for brands seeking to maximize their impact on the Klaviyo platform. Their expertise spans the entire email marketing lifecycle, from initial strategy development and audience segmentation to creative email design, compelling copywriting, and meticulous campaign execution.

What sets The Email Marketers apart is their data-driven approach. They understand that successful ecommerce marketing is about more than just sending pretty emails. It's about understanding your audience, their behaviors, and preferences, and then tailoring your messages accordingly. They leverage Klaviyo's robust analytics capabilities to gain insights into campaign performance, identify areas for improvement, and continually optimize your email strategies to drive higher open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately, increased sales. Their strong focus on ROI (Return on Investment) ensures that your email marketing efforts are not just effective, but also efficient in generating tangible business results.


ASPEKT distinguishes itself by seamlessly blending email marketing with social media marketing (SMM) for fashion and apparel brands. They understand the modern consumer's journey is not linear, and that effective ecommerce marketing requires a cohesive approach across multiple touchpoints. ASPEKT leverages Klaviyo's robust integration capabilities to connect email campaigns with social media data, unlocking a wealth of valuable insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and engagement patterns.

This omnichannel expertise allows ASPEKT to create highly targeted email campaigns that leverage social data to create personalized experiences. They can identify customers who are active on specific social media platforms, engage with certain types of content, or express interest in specific products. This information is then used to segment audiences, personalize email content, and tailor offers to individual preferences, resulting in more engaging and effective email campaigns that drive sales.

3. FlowCandy

FlowCandy is a specialized Klaviyo marketing agency with a laser focus on personalized email automation for ecommerce brands. They understand the critical role automation plays in nurturing customer relationships, driving engagement, and ultimately boosting sales. FlowCandy's team of experts has a deep understanding of Klaviyo's automation capabilities, leveraging features like flows, segmentation, and personalization to create tailored customer journeys that resonate with fashion shoppers at every stage.

Whether it's a welcome series that introduces new subscribers to your brand, an abandoned cart sequence that gently nudges them back to complete their purchase, or sophisticated product recommendations based on browsing behavior, FlowCandy excels at crafting automated email workflows that feel personal and relevant. Their focus on optimization ensures that your Klaviyo campaigns are continuously refined to maximize conversions and drive revenue for your fashion ecommerce store.

4. Hustler Marketing

Hustler Marketing distinguishes itself as a performance-driven Klaviyo marketing agency with a laser focus on maximizing ecommerce sales and customer lifetime value for fashion and apparel brands. They eschew vanity metrics in favor of tangible results, prioritizing strategies that directly impact your bottom line. Hustler Marketing leverages Klaviyo's robust analytics capabilities to gain in-depth insights into customer behavior, campaign performance, and revenue generation.

They specialize in data-driven strategies, rigorously testing different approaches through A/B testing to optimize everything from subject lines and email content to send times and segmentation. Their expertise in conversion optimization ensures that every aspect of your Klaviyo campaigns is fine-tuned to drive clicks, increase purchases, and boost overall revenue. Whether it's crafting compelling email copy, designing visually appealing templates, or implementing automated workflows, Hustler Marketing's focus on performance ensures that your email marketing efforts deliver measurable results.

5. Fuel Made

Fuel Made is a specialized email marketing agency deeply rooted in the ecommerce landscape, with a particular focus on the Klaviyo platform. Their team of experts possesses a profound understanding of Klaviyo's features and capabilities, allowing them to craft email campaigns that drive results. They specialize in strategic campaign planning, taking the time to understand your fashion brand's unique identity, target audience, and goals. This deep dive into your brand ensures that every email campaign is not just visually appealing but also aligned with your overall marketing strategy.

Fuel Made's strengths extend to creative design, compelling copywriting, and performance tracking. They know how to grab attention with eye-catching email templates and captivating subject lines. Their copywriters craft persuasive messages that resonate with your target audience, driving engagement and conversions. By meticulously tracking campaign performance, they can identify what works best and continually optimize your email marketing strategy for maximum impact, leading to increased ecommerce sales and a stronger brand presence.

6. The Snow Agency

The Snow Agency thrives on creativity and innovation in the Klaviyo email marketing space. They specialize in developing visually stunning and engaging email campaigns that capture the essence of fashion and lifestyle brands. Going beyond standard promotional emails, The Snow Agency excels at crafting unique campaign concepts that tell a story, evoke emotion, and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Their team of talented designers creates eye-catching visuals, while their copywriters craft compelling narratives that resonate with fashion-conscious consumers.

This creative approach is particularly valuable for fashion brands seeking to build brand awareness and establish a distinct identity in the market. The Snow Agency understands that fashion is about more than just products; it's about lifestyle, aspiration, and self-expression. By infusing your Klaviyo campaigns with creative storytelling, they help you connect with your audience on a deeper level, fostering brand loyalty and driving engagement. Whether it's showcasing your latest collection through a visually stunning lookbook or creating an interactive email experience that encourages user participation, The Snow Agency can help your brand stand out in the crowded inbox.

Choosing the Right Klaviyo Marketing Agency for Your Apparel and Fashion Brand

  1. Beyond Fashion Flair: Seek Ecommerce Expertise

While a stunning Instagram feed might be impressive, ensure the agency truly understands the nuances of ecommerce. Ask about their experience with Shopify Plus specifically and how they leverage Klaviyo's features to drive sales, not just likes.

  1. Data is Your Fabric, Not Just Your Lining

Any agency can talk about "personalization," but dig deeper into their data chops. Do they have experience using Klaviyo's segmentation to target customers based on more than just demographics? (Think purchase history, browsing behavior, style preferences). Can they demonstrate how they've used data to increase open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately, revenue?

  1. The "Secret Sauce" Question

Don't be afraid to ask the agency what sets them apart. What's their unique approach to fashion email marketing? Do they have any innovative strategies or case studies that demonstrate their ability to think outside the box? A cookie-cutter approach won't make your brand stand out in the crowded fashion landscape.

  1. Beyond the Email: Consider the Whole Outfit

Email is powerful, but it's not the only tool in your marketing closet. Does the agency understand how to integrate email with other channels? Can they create a cohesive omnichannel strategy that aligns with your social media, paid advertising, and even in-store experiences? A holistic approach can amplify your brand's impact and reach.

  1. Budget vs. Value: The Investment Mindset

Let's be frank, a top-tier Klaviyo agency isn't cheap. But think of it as an investment, not just an expense. A higher price tag often means a more experienced team, cutting-edge strategies, and a proven track record of delivering results. Don't be afraid to ask tough questions about ROI and how they measure success. A good agency will be transparent about their pricing and what you can expect in return.

  1. The Culture Clash Test

A successful partnership is built on more than just contracts and deliverables. Does the agency's culture and values align with your brand's? Do you feel like they understand your target audience and can speak their language? Are they as passionate about fashion as you are? These intangible factors can be crucial for a fruitful collaboration.

The Maverick Advantage: Personalized Video That Drives Engagement

In the world of fashion, standing out is everything. That's why Maverick's AI-generated personalized videos are a game-changer for email marketing. With Maverick, you can create captivating videos at scale, tailoring content to each customer's unique preferences and behaviors. This level of personalization adds a human touch that resonates with fashion-conscious consumers, making your brand more memorable and your emails more engaging.

Partnering with a Klaviyo marketing agency? Even better. Here's how Maverick's personalized videos supercharge your agency's efforts:

  • Personalized Welcome Videos: Transform your welcome series into an unforgettable experience with a video that addresses new subscribers by name and showcases a handpicked selection of products based on their preferences. This sets the stage for a lasting relationship with your brand.
  • Style Advice Videos: Go beyond generic recommendations by providing personalized style advice. Create videos that showcase different ways to wear a product, offer styling tips based on individual body types, or suggest complementary items to complete a look.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Videos: Give your subscribers a VIP pass to your brand with behind-the-scenes videos that highlight your design process, company culture, or the inspiration behind your latest collection. This type of content builds brand loyalty and creates a sense of community.
  • Thank You Videos: Express your gratitude for purchases with a personalized video that not only thanks customers by name but also recommends other items they might like based on their purchase history.
  • Re-engagement Videos: Win back abandoned carts or lapsed customers with a video that features the items they left behind, offers a personalized discount, or simply reminds them of the value your brand brings to their wardrobe.
  • Klaviyo Flow Integration: Seamlessly integrate Maverick's personalized videos into your Klaviyo email flows. This allows you to trigger videos based on specific customer actions, such as browsing certain product categories, making a purchase, or abandoning a cart.

By combining Maverick's personalized video capabilities with the expertise of a Klaviyo marketing agency, fashion brands can create highly engaging and effective email campaigns that drive conversions and build brand loyalty.


In the fashion world, a poorly tailored outfit is a crime against style. The same goes for your email marketing. Generic blasts and "one-size-fits-all" promotions? They're the equivalent of a fashion faux pas that sends shoppers running for the virtual exit.

But fear not, fashionistas! Klaviyo is your digital atelier, equipped with the tools to craft email campaigns that are as chic and personalized as your latest collection. Pair that with the expertise of a top-notch Klaviyo agency, and you've got a dream team that understands the nuances of fashion ecommerce, from trend forecasting to data-driven strategies that boost sales.

Ready to add that extra touch of flair? Maverick's personalized videos are the finishing touch, transforming your emails into a virtual fashion show that captivates and converts. Think personalized styling tips, behind-the-scenes glimpses of your creative process, and exclusive offers that make every customer feel like a VIP.

As text-to-video AI technology continues to improve, businesses will be able to create even more personalized experiences for their customers. By utilizing AI-generated videos, businesses can create personalized videos at scale, providing a more engaging and personalized experience for their customers without having to hire a human editor.

Maverick uses AI-generated video to help ecommerce stores have personalized interactions with each of their customers across their journey. Start boosting your customers’ lifetime value (LTV) today with personal videos at scale!

Maximize email conversion & engagement through automatically AI optimized emails

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