Best Klaviyo Email Marketing Agencies for Apparel and Fashion Brands

Discover top Klaviyo agencies specializing in email marketing for fashion brands. Level up your campaigns with personalized video (Maverick) for unforgettable customer experiences.

In the world of fashion, your email inbox is basically a runway show – but with a lot more noise. It's a relentless parade of "exclusive offers," "new arrivals," and "must-have trends," each vying for the coveted attention of fashion-forward consumers. But let's be honest, even the most stylish email can get lost in the shuffle if it doesn't truly connect with its audience. That's the challenge facing apparel and fashion brands in the email marketing arena – crafting messages that not only capture attention but also drive conversions and create lasting relationships.

Luckily, Klaviyo is like your personal fashion stylist, offering the tools and insights to help you stand out from the crowd. Think of it as your digital atelier, equipped to create bespoke email campaigns that resonate with every individual customer. From advanced segmentation that allows you to tailor your messages to specific style preferences, to powerful automation that delivers those messages at the perfect moment, Klaviyo empowers you to create email marketing that's as chic and on-trend as your latest collection.

But hold on to your hat (or your favorite accessory)! There's a way to take your Klaviyo campaigns from fabulous to phenomenal. Maverick, with its AI-powered personalized videos, is your secret weapon for injecting a healthy dose of personality and charm into your emails. Imagine a welcome video that greets new subscribers by name, showcasing curated product picks just for them. Or a behind-the-scenes look at your latest collection, making your customers feel like VIPs. That's the power of personalized video, and it's about to revolutionize your email marketing game.

So, are you ready to transform your emails from forgettable fashion faux pas to coveted invitations? Let's dive into the world of Klaviyo marketing agencies and discover how they, alongside the power of personalized video, can elevate your fashion brand's email strategy to runway-worthy heights.

1. Avex Designs

Avex Designs is a Klaviyo marketing agency known for its specialization in high-growth and luxury fashion brands. They understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by these brands, particularly in the competitive landscape of ecommerce. Avex Designs emphasizes the importance of brand storytelling, recognizing that luxury and high-growth fashion brands often have rich histories, strong values, and unique aesthetics that need to be communicated through email marketing.

They excel at crafting sophisticated email campaigns that not only drive conversions but also elevate the brand image. This involves creating visually stunning emails with high-quality product photography, captivating copywriting that speaks to the brand's unique voice, and strategic segmentation that ensures messages resonate with specific audience groups. Avex Designs leverages Klaviyo's advanced features to deliver personalized experiences that build lasting relationships with customers, ultimately driving sales and increasing brand loyalty. Their data-driven approach ensures that campaigns are continually optimized for maximum impact, aligning with the high standards expected of luxury and high-growth fashion brands.

2. Jellyfish

Jellyfish is a global digital marketing powerhouse that brings its extensive expertise to the realm of Klaviyo email marketing. With a proven track record across various industries, including fashion and retail, Jellyfish understands the unique needs of ecommerce businesses. They leverage Klaviyo's advanced features to craft data-driven strategies that resonate with specific target audiences, driving engagement, and ultimately, boosting ecommerce sales.

Their omnichannel approach ensures that your email marketing campaigns are seamlessly integrated with other digital channels, creating a cohesive brand experience for your customers. Jellyfish excels in creating personalized campaigns that utilize customer data to deliver relevant content, offers, and recommendations. Their deep understanding of analytics and data-driven decision-making allows them to continuously optimize your campaigns, ensuring maximum impact and return on investment.

3. Common Thread Collective

Common Thread Collective takes a refreshing approach to Klaviyo marketing, focusing on community-driven growth for ecommerce brands. They understand that in the fashion industry, creating a passionate community of loyal customers can be even more valuable than traditional marketing tactics. Their expertise lies in developing authentic brand narratives that resonate with specific audiences, building trust and fostering a sense of belonging around your fashion label.

To achieve this, they utilize Klaviyo's segmentation and personalization capabilities to create targeted email campaigns that speak directly to the interests and values of your community. They also excel at content marketing, crafting engaging stories, blog posts, and social media content that sparks conversations and encourages interaction. By building a strong sense of community around your brand, Common Thread Collective helps fashion brands cultivate a loyal following that not only drives repeat purchases but also acts as brand advocates, amplifying your reach and impact in the ecommerce landscape.

4. eCommerce Nurse

eCommerce Nurse is a specialized agency with a team of Klaviyo experts and seasoned Shopify practitioners dedicated to fueling ecommerce growth. Their focus lies in understanding the technical intricacies of both platforms to maximize the impact of your email marketing efforts. This includes implementing custom Klaviyo integrations, setting up advanced automation flows, and utilizing data analytics to gain deep insights into customer behavior and preferences.

eCommerce Nurse's technical expertise translates into high-performing Klaviyo campaigns that drive conversions. They create personalized email flows tailored to each stage of the customer journey, from welcome series and abandoned cart recovery to post-purchase engagement and loyalty programs. Their data analysis skills allow them to identify opportunities for optimization, ensuring that your emails consistently deliver results and contribute to the overall growth of your fashion ecommerce business.

5. Oddit

Oddit is a specialized Klaviyo marketing agency with a passion for helping fashion and apparel brands achieve sustainable growth through email marketing. Their team of experts understands the unique challenges faced by ecommerce businesses in this competitive space, such as staying ahead of trends, maintaining brand consistency, and nurturing customer relationships. Oddit takes a data-driven approach to email marketing, leveraging Klaviyo's analytics capabilities to track key metrics, identify trends, and make informed decisions about campaign optimization.

Their strength lies in their deep understanding of the customer journey, from initial awareness to repeat purchases. Oddit excels at creating automated email flows that guide customers through each stage, delivering personalized messages and offers at the right moment. They also specialize in A/B testing and campaign optimization, ensuring that your Klaviyo emails consistently perform at their best. Whether you're looking to increase your subscriber list, boost open rates, drive more clicks to your website, or ultimately increase sales, Oddit has the expertise to help you achieve your goals.

6. Trellis

Trellis is a data-driven growth agency that harnesses the power of Klaviyo to craft personalized customer journeys for ecommerce brands. They understand that in the fast-paced fashion industry, understanding and anticipating customer behavior is crucial. Trellis leverages Klaviyo's robust analytics tools to dive deep into customer data, uncovering insights that go beyond surface-level demographics. They analyze purchase history, browsing behavior, email engagement, and more to build comprehensive customer profiles.

This data-driven approach allows Trellis to create highly targeted and personalized email campaigns that resonate with individual customers. They utilize Klaviyo's advanced segmentation capabilities to create distinct customer groups based on shared interests, preferences, or purchase behavior. They then develop automated email flows that deliver tailored content, product recommendations, and offers at each stage of the customer journey. Through continuous testing and optimization, Trellis ensures that your Klaviyo campaigns are always evolving and improving, maximizing engagement and driving conversions for your fashion ecommerce brand.

How to Choose the Right Klaviyo Email Marketing Agency for Your Apparel and Fashion Brand

  1. Look for Strategists, Not Just Designers

While a visually stunning portfolio is essential for fashion brands, it's equally important to partner with an agency that understands the strategic side of email marketing. Look for agencies with a proven track record of driving results through data-driven campaigns, not just those who create beautiful emails. Ask for case studies that demonstrate their ability to increase open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately, sales. Remember, a pretty email is useless if it doesn't convert.

  1. Embrace the Niche (or Don't)

Some agencies specialize in specific fashion niches, like luxury brands or sustainable fashion. While their niche expertise can be valuable, don't discount agencies with a broader portfolio. Sometimes, a fresh perspective from outside your niche can lead to innovative ideas and strategies that you might not have considered. The key is to find an agency that understands your target audience and can tailor their approach to your brand's unique voice and aesthetic.

  1. The "Tech Talk" Test

Klaviyo is a powerful platform, but it can be overwhelming for those who aren't familiar with its intricacies. During your conversations with potential agencies, pay attention to how they discuss Klaviyo's features and capabilities. Can they explain complex concepts in a way that's easy to understand? Do they seem genuinely excited about the platform's potential? A true Klaviyo expert will be able to articulate the technical aspects in a way that makes sense to you, ensuring a smoother collaboration and better results.

  1. Collaboration over Control

While it's tempting to micromanage every aspect of your email marketing, a successful partnership with a Klaviyo agency requires trust and collaboration. Be open to their ideas, even if they seem unconventional at first. A good agency will challenge your assumptions, bring fresh perspectives, and push your brand to new heights.

  1. Beware the "Vanity Metric" Trap

High open rates and click-throughs are great, but ultimately, what matters is the impact on your bottom line. Choose an agency that prioritizes revenue-driven results. Ask about their approach to measuring success and how they tie email marketing efforts to your overall business goals. A good agency will be transparent about their pricing structure and demonstrate how their services can generate a positive return on investment for your fashion brand.

The Maverick Advantage: Personalized Video That Elevates Engagement

Klaviyo agencies bring the expertise, but Maverick brings the magic. Our AI-generated personalized videos inject a dose of humanity and excitement into your Klaviyo email campaigns, turning them into engaging experiences that resonate with fashion-conscious consumers. Forget generic greetings and product shots; with Maverick, you can create videos that speak directly to each individual customer.

Here's how Maverick's personalized videos supercharge your Klaviyo email marketing:

  • Personalized Welcome Videos: Imagine a new subscriber receiving a video message from the founder or a beloved designer, welcoming them by name and showcasing a curated selection of items perfectly suited to their style. It's a warm, personal touch that creates an instant connection and sets the stage for a lasting relationship.
  • Style Advice Videos: Go beyond generic fashion tips. Send personalized style advice videos that feel like a virtual consultation with a fashion expert. Showcase how to style a recently purchased item, offer recommendations based on past purchases, or highlight items that align with the customer's unique preferences.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Videos: Give your subscribers a VIP pass to your brand's world with behind-the-scenes videos. Show them your design process, introduce your team, or offer a sneak peek at your latest collection. These videos build excitement and make customers feel like they're part of something special.
  • Thank You Videos: Turn a simple "thank you" email into a memorable experience. Send a personalized video that not only thanks customers by name but also offers a special discount code or personalized product recommendations for their next purchase.
  • Re-engagement Videos: Win back abandoned carts or lapsed customers with a video that showcases the items they left behind, offers a tailored incentive, or simply reminds them why your brand is worth coming back to.
  • Klaviyo Integration: Maverick seamlessly integrates with Klaviyo, allowing you to trigger personalized videos based on specific actions or segments. This means you can deliver the right video to the right customer at the right time, maximizing the impact of your campaigns.

By incorporating Maverick's personalized video capabilities into your Klaviyo campaigns, you're not just sending emails; you're creating memorable experiences that forge deeper connections with your audience. This human touch boosts engagement, drives conversions, and fosters lasting brand loyalty.


Your email marketing strategy is your runway to success in the fast-paced world of fashion ecommerce. It's your chance to showcase your brand's unique style, create lasting connections with customers, and turn those fleeting trends into tangible sales. By harnessing the power of Klaviyo and partnering with an agency that truly understands your brand, you're not just sending emails; you're crafting curated experiences that drive results.

Remember, though, even the most stylish email can benefit from a touch of personality. That's where Maverick's personalized videos come in, adding a dose of charm and humanity to your Klaviyo campaigns. Imagine welcoming new subscribers with a video that feels like a personal invitation or sending a thank you note that goes beyond words. Personalized videos create a memorable experience that shoppers won't find in their overflowing inboxes.

As text-to-video AI technology continues to improve, businesses will be able to create even more personalized experiences for their customers. By utilizing AI-generated videos, businesses can create personalized videos at scale, providing a more engaging and personalized experience for their customers without having to hire a human editor.

Maverick uses AI-generated video to help ecommerce stores have personalized interactions with each of their customers across their journey. Start boosting your customers’ lifetime value (LTV) today with personal videos at scale!

Maximize email conversion & engagement through automatically AI optimized emails

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